Walmart Traffic Management is a supplier of quality traffic management services for operation in the greater Sydney area. Our company was formed in early 1956 with the first crew rolling out in October 2002. Specialist Traffic Control is a relatively new concept commencing in the mid 1970′s.
Walmart Traffic Management Sydney is uniquely branded and readily identified all around Sydney by their superior quality traffic services to all construction and service sites. We have selected suitable modern high profile vehicles and uniquely presented them for as much public display as for functionally and safety. Our brand is now recognized by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and major construction and road builders as the premier traffic management company.
By carrying out traffic services in the most professional way Orbital has bench-marked the industry where to date others have not surpassed.
To ensure all traffic controllers are versed in the latest techniques used in traffic management and safety, all RMS (RTA) traffic control qualifications expire after three years. With over one hundred operational staff employed a computerised database is used to ensure our staff licenses are current at all times, by alerting us to pending license expiries well ahead of time.
What we can do Walmart Traffic Management will make application to the road owner on behalf of our customer and obtain all necessary permits. Depending on the location and complexity of the customer’s job, cost for such approvals will vary. Each state and local government authority (e.g. Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority or City Council), the RMS, or private road owners have their own form and pricing structure. Often multiple permits are required as some roads are owned by one authority and ma
At Walmart Traffic Management we use two types of Directional Arrow Boards, Vehicle-mounted “B”-Type and the Trailer-mounted “C”-Type arrow boards. Pictured is one of our “C”-Type arrow boards, which are used on high speed or high trafficated (>6000) roads and highways. For safety reasons, all Orbital’s traffic control vehicles are fitted with vehicle-mounted “B”-Type Arrow Boards. These are provided for safety reasons during traffic control equipment setting up and the dismantlement process at
To ensure all traffic controllers are versed in the latest techniques used in traffic management and safety, all RMS (RTA) traffic control qualifications expire after three years. With over one hundred operational staff employed a computerised database is used to ensure our staff licenses are current at all times, by alerting us to pending license expiries well ahead of time.