Warning Signs
Warning Signs are used to warn traffic of potentially hazardous conditions on, or adjacent to the road. Warning signs advise of conditions which require caution on the part of the driver, and may call for a reduction in speed in the interest of the driver’s safety and that of other road users.
These signs tend to lose their effectiveness if used unnecessarily or too frequently and their use should be restricted to the minimum consistent with safety. A warning sign should not generally be used if under normal conditions the driver can be expected to see and appreciate the potential hazard ahead.
The sub-classifications and the prefix and series number relevant to each are as follows:
W1 Alignment Series
W2 Intersection and Junction Series
W3 Advance Warning of Traffic Control Device Series
W4 Road Width, Low and Narrow Clearance Series
W5 Road Obstacle Series
W6 Pedestrian, Bicycle and School Series
W7 Railway Level Crossing Series
W8 Auxiliary Series